Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baghawan's Thought For the Day -26 Nov

Date: Friday, November 26, 2010
The teacher must come down to the level of the student. This process is called ‘descent.’ It does not mean stepping down from the top to the ground. It only means accepting the level of the person who is to be benefited. The baby on the floor cannot jump in to the arms of the mother, when she calls upon it to come up. “I am a great person. I will not stoop”- if the mother feels like that, she cannot possess the child. Stooping does not make a person small. The teacher too, is not demeaning himself when he comes down to the level of the pupil in order to teach him. It is only a laudable sign of love.

1 comment:

  1. The photo of Sai and the thoughts are excellent.
